Monday, March 4, 2013

February 6,2013

                                              The Guitar Player by Jose Ferraz de Almedia Junior

I love music. I know everyone says this, but I feel like I love an exceptional amount. I especially love music that plays a big emphasis on the guitar. This is why this painting was my favorite. The painting and specifically the aspect of music being involved makes me thing of the long story and memories that could be behind this painting. A huge part of the reason I love music so much is because of the strong emotional tie songs can develop for memories to me. An example of this the song “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.

At home, in Texas, I lived very  close to a beach. Often my friends and I would have a bonfire and play guitars and sing there. This style of music and the words reminiscing on home, always make me think of Texas and wish I could go back. This is a small personal example of how music can create such strong memories to a certain place, people, or memories.

Another reason why I was fascinated by this painting and a reason I believe I love music so much is because of the strong emphasis Spanish cultures place on music. This is true for all parts of South America, Spain, or even Spanish communities in non-Spanish countries.  I’ve seen this in the part of Colombia where my extended family lives and where I was born. The people there are very poor, thus can’t do activities like go out to restaurants or on vacations to celebrate, so rather they turn on happy music and then dance and celebrate. 

In Colombia, this is one of the most famous celebrating and rejoicing about life songs. 

 In Spanish culture, playing the guitar or simply listening to music can be one of the only ways to express emotions and convey a message. This is why I believe this simple painting expressed so much.

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