Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dreams of our fathers

"Hell, Andy," Gene said softly, "we can't build our lives on their dreams. We're men, Andy, we're not boys any longer. We can't be tied down to their old dreams." (Bless me, Ultima, page 71, Rudolofo Anaya) 

This quote comes from a part of the novel where the boys are discussing what to do with their lives. One of the sons suggests they continue in doing their father’s dreams. The other brother objected and offered his own dreams. These dreams were much more broad and different than that of his fathers. This was fascinating to me for two reasons. 
      The first is the cultural aspect.  I often see that in Hispanic families it is of bigger emphasis to have the children have the same career as the father. Especially in very traditional Hispanic families.  This quote is fascinating to me because it shows the break in the traditional Hispanic culture of having the next generation has the same career and plans into the more modern generation of having separate dreams.

       The second reason it was so fascinating to me is because it is an aspect that even out of the Hispanic culture is so relatable.  As an example, recently, I was at dinner with classmates. As we talked about our majors a friend said, “I think my dad was disappointed when I switched from biochemistry to economics because he wanted me to be a doctor.” Someone at the table then asked my friend what his father did. He replied, “he is a doctor.”  So often our parents influence us to think we should be what they were. Or even more often, kids feel the need to be what their parents were. This is often a common theme in many novels. An example is in Les Miserables, Marius is questioned by his uncle and others about joining the revolution instead of following his family’s foot steps in being wealthy and leading.”

Have you asked of yourselves, What’s the price you might pay? Is it simply a game for rich young boys to play?”

In conclusion, I agree with the quote and Marius’s example from Les Miserable. The most important thing is to follow our own paths that make us happy. That will be what we are most motivated to work hard for and thus most successful in. 

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